Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Reclaiming my Blog

More than likely you don't want to know what has been going on in my life the last 18 months, so I'm just gonna roll like there was no interruption.
It was actually good to see Dan the past couple days. Lab's been quiet recently, only me, and the Diaz lab. It was refreshing to have some discussion of science and goals and stuff. But he's leaving again soon, ie tomorrow, and I'm totally good with that!
A couple weeks ago, I got to visit my family for Easter. John and Sarah hosted and presented us with a fine meal and tolerated the disruption of their routine most amicably. My niece Gigi is now about 20 months and is really cute. She's strong and smart but she's shy around men because John is the only man with whom she interacts regularly. Before I left I got a hi-five from her which made my day! She's really cute, I wish I could see her more often!
So that's the beginning of my reclamation project. Am I as angry and disillusioned as before, you bet! There will be plenty of rants and raves moving forward, but hopefully I won't offend more people than I already have!

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