Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Democracy vs Independence

On the door of a shop, I saw the following note yesterday: "We will be closed on July 4th in honor of our democracy."
Where to start with this?
On July 4th 1776, the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia ratified a declaration of independence of the American Colonies from the rule of the King George and the English Parliament.  The United States of America celebrates this occasion as Independence Day.
However, the Declaration of Independence is not a governing document, does not imply a governmental structure and certainly does nothing to enshrine democratic principles as the basis for an American nation.  The Constitution of the United States of America signed on September 17, 1787 and effective on March 4th, 1789 established the American Nation as a democracy.
The use of "our democracy" could be extended to honor each and every day- thus why would the shop ever open- as democracy is a concept.  If the author had used "Our Democracy" an argument could be made that making proper nouns out of the words would strongly imply the United States of America, given the location of the shop.
I urge any readers to reflect on the meaning of freedom, the men and women who put their lives and fortunes at risk to create and maintain our freedom.  Ask how our daily actions contribute to the well-being of all Americans.  Take action on this the anniversary of American independence to celebrate our freedoms and liberties, just be aware that this day is just one step in an ongoing American Experiment, or, Our Democracy.

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